0. July 7, 2017 0 Share Comments Off on Inter-Tribal Marriages. With over two decades of full-time ministry behind him, Pastor K, as he is fondly called, is a profound teacher with a passion for victory through. Mama as she is fondly known by many of the congregants has a soft spot for young women and finds expression through numerous programmes. orgLadies, you know you can’t afford to miss this one. 0. Home BOOKS A – Z of Marriage Product navigation. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 'What it Means to be a Woman Of The Word'To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. 0. Why not tap into the spirit-world, get in touch. Home ALL PRODUCTS Undue Influence (MP3) Product navigation. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. An Anointed & Renowned Christian Preacher Pastor Mildred kingsley-Okonkwo shared a powerful message in which he talked about “How i found my life-partner” DOWNLOAD HERE==>. Renowned Nigerian Relationship speaker and pastor, Mildred Okonkwo has spoken about how she met her husband, Pastor Kingsley in a trending video. LDMWITHPK BLOG. They will soon land to spew gabbage against this virtuous woman. This page contains almost 100+ messages and audio sermons of Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, the founder and leader of David. Prev. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Mildred. 7 Wrong Reasons Why People Marry. Home ALL PRODUCTS WHO SHOULD I MARRY? – (E-Book) Product navigation. Instagram. Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo. Prev. Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo No one wants to spend their lives with someone who doesn’t. AUDIO MESSAGES Home AUDIO MESSAGES Page 2. Blog; Uncategorized; Blog. Home ALL PRODUCTS WHEN AM I READY? – (E-Book) Product navigation. “There is nothing required of you in marriage that is not required of you as a Christian,” says Pastor Kingsley. God Told Me to Marry You. 7 QUALITIES WISE MEN WANT – (E-Book)Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Always being on an. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo of David’s Christian Centre Church gave an incredible, timely message and worship moment at the Gathering of the Lord titled “ Principles To Having A Great Marriage“. Filter By Close. A. David’s Christian Centre is a church committed to raising victorious people by schooling and training them through the word of faith into a life of 100% victory 100% of the time. Join Pastor mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares on Raising Godly seed. Mama has a heart that is literally on fire for God and this can be heard in the words and seen in her actions. Reviews (0) ReviewsOnline Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Next (MP3 BUNDLE) Marriage. This message by our Mama Pastor Mildred will totally bless you. Not only rubbish, it is Satanic and the Height of rebellion against GOD Almighty. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. David’s Christian Centre is a church committed to raising victorious people by schooling and training them through the word of faith into a life of 100% victory 100% of. A-Z of marriage is a matter-of-fact and very precise manual, alphabetically arranged for convenience, to help men and women better understand their needs for a better marriage. Tribe: Delta Igbo Height: 5'6 Feet Tall Date Of Birth: 26 September 1978 Birthday: 26th September Age: 43 Years Old (in 2021) Occupation, Career: Pastor,. I Love You But My Parents Say No. 7 Qualities Wise Men Want. Filter By. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit. . Prev. Filter By. Filter By Close. . Find out what is on THE LIST of don’ts for me when picking a spouse. Mama as she is fondly known by many of the congregants has a soft spot for young women and finds expression through numerous programmes. Next. Average rating 4. 0. Join @mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 5 Common Mistakes Singles Make When Starting A Relationship. If we were to look through your list of requirements for an ideal spouse, what would we find in it? Tall, dark, handsome, rich… Well, in this message you get a one-time opportunOnline Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources 0 Home MARRIAGE SERIES Marriage Conference TOGETHER FOREVER 2018 WITH Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo (MP3)Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, Head Pastor of David Christian Centre, Lagos has revealed that education has less impact on the growth of a nation than marriage. Mildred) Parenting and. David's Christian Centre, Beside Meadow Hall School, after the 3rd roundabout, Lekki, Lagos. Prev. Why Marry. AUDIO MESSAGES Home AUDIO MESSAGES. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares How To Be UnusualTo Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Book for Counseling:. 12. By. Join Pastor mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares at the just concluded 'RCCG HOLY GHOST CONFERENCE'. 0. Pastor Mildred shares her love story and teaches how to ensure your love life lasts the test of time. EBOOKS Home EBOOKS. Home ALL PRODUCTS MANUAL – (E-Book) Product navigation. Stay blessed as you stream and Download this powerful mp3 audio. If you want to hear the truth too, then hop in!Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Preparing for Marriage. Home ALL PRODUCTS 7 QUESTIONS WISE WOMEN ASK – (E-Book) Product navigation. 23 posts. Prev. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Next. Home ALL PRODUCTS PRAYING FOR YOUR WIFE DEVOTIONAL Product navigation. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 'How To Soar In Life'To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Book for Counsel. Download All Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Messages Mp3 (Till Date) Download: Real Talk On Love, Dating And Marriage – Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Part 1. 0. To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Listen to Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo messages online or on your phone. . Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. In a sermon at her David Christian Centre, where she co-pastors with her husband, she told women to avoid the temptation of sleeping with married men. Next. Mildred Kingsley - Okonkwo. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. 2 Products 21 Day Sexual Purity Course ₦ Add to cart Add to wishlist Adding to. 0. by. Download All Shiloh 2020 Messages and Audio Sermons MP3; December 9, 2021 Download All Shiloh 2021 Messages and Audio Sermons MP3; September 19, 2020Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books,. Join Pastor mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she sheds light on the topic 'surrogacy'. PASTOR MILDRED KINGSLEY-OKONKWO David’s Christian Centre, Lagos, Nigeria “I’ve always been conscious of the fact that I made those vows before God, I made those vows to God, not necessarily to my husband. pastor__mildred_okonkwo. A-Z OF MARRIAGE. . No products were found matching your selection. . Filter by price. He also holds a relationship seminar every month known as 'Love, Dating and. 0. 0. Home BOOKS When Am I Ready? Product navigation. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 'How The Word Of God Transformed My Life'To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Followers, 565 Following, 23 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @pastor__mildred_okonkwo. Categories. This week promises to be super exciting as we discuss SECRETS TO A QUARREL FREE MARRIAGE so jump right in… It has become a very normal thing to quarrel and fight in marriage these days such that when you say you don’t quarrel in your marriage, it. To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit. Home BOOKS 7 Qualities Wise Men Want Product navigation. 2,300. Prev. 🆈🅾🆄🅽🅸🆅🅴🆁🆂🅸🆃🆈 Tonight is going to be all about YOU at Youniversity with Pastor Mildred. Home ALL PRODUCTS Build Your Marriage on the Rock (MP3) Product. 0. No one practising feminism in marriage is a happy woman. November 8, 2017 0 Share Comments Off on Why Marry. Show Events Search Events Search. If you want to hear the truth too, then hopJoin mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares deep revelation on revival and the awakening of the spirit man to serve God and live for only God. November 15, 2017 0 Share Comments Off on When Divorce is the Only Option. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Sister's Blog. Home BOOKS 7 Questions Wise Women Ask Product navigation. 0. In this message, Pastor Mildred shares the things she learnt from the first six years of her marriage like “your spouse can love you and still not have a clue as to what you need,” while Pastor Kingsley also teaches on the things that have kept their. Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo of David’s Christian Centre Church gave an incredible, timely message and worship moment at the Gathering of the Lord titled “ What Nobody Tells You About Marriage “. If you want to hear the truth too, then hop2,300 Followers, 565 Following, 23 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @pastor__mildred_okonkwo. Prev. Love Dating And Marriage Event details. 0. 0. Pastor Mildred Okonkwo has advised ladies to refrain from playing the side chick for men as it does damage to their souls. A – Z of Marriage. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Next. Next. Prev. LDMWITHPK BLOG. Sort By. LDM with PK | Love Dating and Marriage | Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other ResourcesIsaiah 8:19-22 The Message (MSG)When people tell you, “Try out the fortunetellers. Quick Facts. Home ALL PRODUCTS (MP3 BUNDLE) Marriage Product navigation. May God bless Pastor Mildred Kingsley - Okonkwo. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Categories. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she expounds on who the holy spirit is to us and what the holy spirit will do for usTo Join The LDM Academy of Counselors vi. Instagram. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. 0. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 'How To Know If You Should Marry Him/HerTo Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares 'How To Work Your Faith ' To Join The LDM Academy of Counselors visit Book for Co. Join mildred kingsley-okonkwo as she shares what to look out for before marriage. Prev. E’ PS. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 : Store. Prev. Listen & Download Sermons from Davids Christian Centre throughout the week. Home ALL PRODUCTS THE MANDATE With Pastor Mildred Kingsley-Okonkwo (MP3) Product navigation. When it comes to marriage especially for a woman, it is an assignment not a reward. Follow. 0. . Follow. Prev. Books; Audio Message; Ebooks; Contact. 0. Who Should I Marry – Kingsley Okonkwo. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Prev. Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo of David’s Christian Centre Church gave an incredible, timely message and worship moment at the Gathering of the Lord titled “ What GOD Expects From Every Parent“. Home ALL PRODUCTS WAITING FOR ISAAC – (E-Book) Product navigation. Next. Categories. A. Categories ALL PRODUCTS, AUDIO MESSAGES, Marriage Conference, MARRIAGE SERIES Tags Parenting and Temperament Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo, Together Forever 2019, Together Forever Marriage ConferenceOnline Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. She’s fondly called ‘mama’, because she is. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. Inter-Tribal Marriages. The portrait of your life can be painted in alignment with God's Plan, we are made co-partners in creating the kind of life we were destined to live. Categories. 23 posts. Prev. Categories. . Coaching Course; Family Life Practitioners Mentorship Programme; Booking;. 0. July 21, 2017 0 Share Comments Off on Preparing for Marriage. Enjoy and Share… The first thing, I need you to understand is that, marriage is not a necessary evil, marriage is a choice. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources. . Next. But one of the greatest enemies to managing our emotions is EXCUSES. A place to find Faith, Hope, Strength, Healing and Joy. Online Store For Pastor Kingsley and Mildred Okonkwo Messages, Books, CDs, DVDs, Ebooks and other Resources.